Here you will find all merchants in Gothic and their specific locations. The corresponding legend can be found
either in the particular camp's section or on the world map.
1.Old Camp (Map)
Name |
Position |
Guild |
Goods |
Mordrag |
12 |
Bandit |
Miscellaneous |
Cavalorn |
Shadow |
Bows, arrows (outside of the camps, look at the world map) |
Fisk |
Shadow |
Miscellaneous, weapons
Dexter |
Shadow |
Swampweed, potions
Torrez |
Fire mage |
Scrolls, runes
Diego |
Shadow |
Shadow armor |
Skip |
27 |
Guard |
Weapons |
Graham |
17 |
Digger |
Maps |
2. New Camp (Map)
Name |
Position |
Guild |
Goods |
Cronos |
16 |
Water mage |
Runes, scrolls,
jewellery |
Baal Kagan |
Guru |
Swampweed |
Riordian |
Water mage |
Potions |
Sharky |
Bandit |
Weapons |
Wolf |
Bandit |
Bows, bandit
armor |
3. Swamp Camp(Map)
Name |
Position |
Guild |
Goods |
Gor Na Toth |
4 |
Templar |
Templar armor
Baal Namib |
1 |
Guru |
Novice armor
Baal Cadar |
5 |
Guru |
Runes, scrolls,
potions, jewellery |
Darrion |
7 |
Novice |
Weapons |
Fortuno |
9 |
Novice |
Swampweed |
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