 | GamersWithJobs.com 10.09.2004
| So, is the expansion worth buying? Absolutely. If you haven't played the game with all guilds yet (group A), the add-on gives you a very good reason to start over again. It certainly adds replay value to what was already a very enjoyable game. If you've already beaten Gothic II thrice (group B), there are enough new and modified elements to satisfy you as well.
| -- | | RPGDot.com 02.04.2004
| Gorath's verdict:
NotR is an excellent expansion. It offers about 30 hours of new content, woven into a completely overhauled Gothic 2. The add-on successfully combines the strongest features of both Gothics to create a deep and challenging RPG experience. The only real downside -which might even be a plus for a hardcore RPGer- is the high difficulty. Newbies should play Gothic 2 as a mage before they install TNotR.
Graphics: 88%
Sound: 100%
Control: 90%
Fun: 100%
| 96% | | ArmchairEmpire.com 02.01.2004
| Despite Gothic II’s problematic inventory system, as well as its sometimes-difficult battles, it is still a very fun RPG.
| 8.2 | | Gamershell.com 16.09.2003
| Conclusion of the online magazine:
Something good just got better is all I need to say to conclude this review. The level of difficulty makes it a good idea to play the original game first (which is always a good idea anyway), before risking your virtual life in the addon. But by any means don't miss this one.
Graphics : 8.5
Sound : 8.5
Gameplay : 9.5
| 9.5 | |
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